World Cup 2010 logoRemembering the Data Strain on Monday’s Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) where the CEO, Steve Jobs had to ask his attendees to disconnect from the WiFi networks and set there mobile devices on the ground, even telling them to police each other to see if their neighbour had really followed instructions, because Mr. Jobs was unable to present a portion of his demo that required the WiFi useage. He later reported that there were over 500 WiFi base stations active, and that was out of the capacity crowd of 5000 attendees. What will happen at the World Cup where the masses will exceed 30,000 persons per stadium?With even more than 2 billion people set to follow the tournament via mobile technology, I hope that the carriers and providers are ready for the most hectic month in there networks history. Mobile video and IpTv is gaining popularity ever so much, and with this World Cup event on hand, one can only image the large contingent of mobile subscribers that will want to indulge into mobile video; and if all 2billion plus of them want to watch the World Cup on the go, then be prepared for the most strain, shut downs, hangs, and data struggling to up/download that anyone has ever seen to date.


The 2010 World Cup, otherwise known as the Football World Cup, Soccer World Cup or Fifa World Cup, is set to kickoff tomorrow Friday the 11 in Johannesburg, South Africa, with there opening ceremony and first two matches.

See fixtures here

Get ready for the greatest global tournament – the World Cup